Vantage point for AWS landscapeHave you recently admired AWS cloud platform capabilities? Are you appealed by the pay-as-you-use pricing model? Are you looking forward to…May 3, 2021May 3, 2021
Why Do You Need Cloud Cost Optimization?Category: AWS Well Architected FrameworkMar 1, 2021Mar 1, 2021
Published inFAUN — Developer Community 🐾Meta-Arguments for TerraformNote: I am doing this blog post in collaboration with Infracode. These guys are super-cool and are working on some amazing products in IaC…Feb 24, 2021Feb 24, 2021
Terraform WorkflowIn this series, we have been using Terraform by ourselves. We defined the infrastructure — created a plan, created the infrastructure…Jan 29, 2021Jan 29, 2021
Terraform ProvisionersOkay, enough talking about creating cloud resources! We have created a couple of instances using our Terraform code. But, now what? We…Jan 26, 2021Jan 26, 2021
Terraform BackendsIn this post, we discuss backends that can be used with Terraform. Working with backends is essential when a larger team works on…Jan 22, 2021Jan 22, 2021
Terraform Data SourcesData Sources in Terraform is one of the important concepts which enables you to work with data values sourced from somewhere else…Jan 16, 2021Jan 16, 2021
Terraform ModulesModules are a way to organize Terraform code into re-usable chunks of IaC. Managing code for the complex infrastructure stack in a single…Jan 14, 2021Jan 14, 2021
Terraform StatesBefore we move to the 2nd part of Terraform CLI, I think it is important to discuss Terraform States. This is one of the fundamental…Jan 10, 2021Jan 10, 2021